Scenic staff photos of the week

Flicker peeks out from her next cavity in a tree
“Flicker in her Nest Cavity,” taken in the woods in Olympia, by Simona McEwen, Early Support Specialist (Birth to 3), McKenny Elementary School

OSD employees are encouraged to email the Communications department a photo of their artwork portraying nature (e.g., landscapes, sunrises or sunsets, an interesting cloud formation, a close-up of a flower) for consideration in this staff blog. Your image can be something you captured on canvas, in a photograph, on a textile, in a pencil, charcoal or pastel drawing, with wire — the possibilities are endless!

Please remember, you can be a novice or a professional. You can submit photos taken with your phone or a fancy camera. The goal is for as many employees as possible to participate!


  • Nature/scenic images only (no people or pets please).
  • Attach a photo of your original art in jpeg or png format to an email and send to The higher the resolution, the better.
  • Photos must be in-focus and cropped so the art is visible.
  • Include your name, title, work location, and if applicable, where the image was taken (you can name the city, for example, or provide even more specific details (e.g. sunset taken from Long Beach, WA). This information will be included with each image published.

Depending on the number of images submitted, we will print one or more in each issue of the staff blog.

Sunrise featuring bright oranges against silhouetted trees and a lake, with Mt. Rainier in the distance
“Sunrise from Crestline Boulevard,” by Seth Vanzant, 4/5 Teacher, L.P. Brown Elementary School